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Lower School (PreK-5)

A few important things to know about the Lower School

We start with the essentials.

Everything that differentiates us and allows our students to flourish begins with fostering a sense of joy and cultivating a culture of belonging. We explicitly teach foundational social and emotional skills: curiosity, kindness, respect, agency, and authenticity. Our days are designed to be inspiring and engaging, with dedicated time for clear instruction, delivered by educators who are expertly trained and following best practices, as well as hands-on activities that encourage students to take risks and make new discoveries.

We follow the Science … of Reading!

Strong literacy skills are an integral part of any student’s success across all disciplines. MPH Lower School prioritizes building teacher knowledge to implement explicit, systematic reading and spelling instruction that aligns with scientific reading research. We believe teachers need access to the “why” and “how” behind literacy instructional practices that come from 40+ years of reading research. To develop skilled readers, our approach focuses on teaching word recognition and language comprehension. We explicitly teach students phonological awareness, decoding skills, and sight recognition, while strengthening their background knowledge, vocabulary, language structures, verbal reasoning, and literacy knowledge.

Powerful Fact: MPH is one of only two schools in Central New York where ALL K-5 students receive explicit, systematic reading instruction that builds automaticity in word recognition and strengthens language comprehension. Every young child deserves access to quality literacy instruction and our Lower School teachers are passionate about facilitating literacy instruction awareness in the CNY community and beyond so that all students and teachers may benefit. MPH is informed by the nationally recognized and Syracuse-based Reading League, a nonprofit leader in strengthening teacher practice using the Science of Reading as a foundation.

 We take Math to the next level, and out into the world.

Our Lower School students engage with the Bridges in Mathematics curriculum. Built on evidence supporting a visual approach to teaching and learning, this curriculum emphasizes the integration of mathematical thinking and problem-solving into students’ daily lives. By presenting real-world applications of math, students work both independently and collaboratively to discuss and compare strategies. This fosters a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.

In today’s world, the ability to understand numbers and quantities is as crucial as literacy skills in shaping our decision-making processes. Bridges in Mathematics allows students to develop this essential skill set through daily active participation in fluency work and consistent focus on core mathematical concepts. The curriculum features open-ended tasks and hands-on activities that encourage students to explore, test, and apply mathematical ideas. This approach enhances their conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Our goal is to instill a positive math identity, preparing students to confidently integrate mathematical thinking into all areas of their lives, now and in the future.

We are an academic playground (with an actual playground)!

Our Lower School curriculum incorporates Art, Performing Arts (Orchestra, Band, Suzuki Strings, Music, Chorus, and Dance), SEL (Social Emotional Learning) class, Library, and daily Physical Education/Core Health as well as daily Recess. Appreciating the importance of moving young bodies and feeding creative minds, our school day balances critical instruction in Literacy, Math, Science, and History with opportunities to move, play, dance, create, and explore! Lower Schoolers have daily recess, allowing time and space to be a kid, connect with peers, and get outside. Making sure students have these creative and physical outlets ensures their minds and bodies are regulated, setting the stage for meaningful learning.

We help our students thrive as learners and citizens.

We teach our youngest learners the concept of perspective, empowering them to view the world through a variety of different lenses. We also teach them to be critical consumers of information. In a world where information is available 24/7 through a wide array of sources, we teach students how to think critically about how and where they acquire this information. We create opportunities for students to study current and historical events from a variety of perspectives, empowering them to develop informed conclusions and opinions. From there, students learn about the importance of civil discourse and how to engage in conversations authentically and respectfully with one another.  Most importantly, we do this in an environment that values dignity, kindness, and inclusion, guiding our youngest learners to build a strong sense of empathy and compassion.

There’s much more to know about the Lower School. Inquire to Admissions to start a conversation, learn more about your child’s specific grade level, or schedule a campus tour.