MPH Apply Now

Parents’ Association Grants

MPH Parents’ Association Fund- Grant Application Process

1.  An application for PA Grants may only be submitted by members of the MPH community.  All funds are designated by a Parents’ Association sub-committee and derived primarily from campus shop proceeds.

2.  PA Grants will be awarded solely for school-related events, activities, projects, and other needs identified to be in the interest of community building and educational advancement.  Partial or full funding may be approved and is solely up to the discretion of the PA Grant Committee in accordance with the bi-laws. All committee decisions are based on a simple majority vote of the committee members in attendance.

3.  The Grant Committee is composed of the PA executive committee and interested MPH parents. The PA President will solicit volunteers to serve on this committee and will finalize its membership each academic year by September 30. The committee will meet on a monthly basis beginning in October.  Any additional Grant Committee meetings needed are to be called at the discretion of the PA President.

4.  The PA Fund grant application procedure:

a. Complete and submit an online application*.

b. All applications received will be reviewed within one month of submission by the committee. The applicant may be asked to make a brief presentation about the specific activity, project, or other need, to the committee.

c. The Grant Committee will make the final determination and the PA President or PA liaison will notify the applicant.

There are three possible outcomes:

1. Approved, with partial or full financial assistance offered.

2. Postponed, until questions or concerns are answered.  The application may be re-submitted.

3. Denied, if not found to be appropriate for a PA grant.


5. The following criteria will be utilized by the Grant Committee when considering all Grant requests

– Curricular impact defined

– How broad of an impact will the proposals have on the entire MPH community

– Alignment of the proposal to the MPH Mission and Core Values

– Available Funds

– Other request currently under review for funding OR other needs of the School

Please fill out the Grant Application below: